Gift Card Fundraiser
Order by november 19. pick up on december 3.
Order by November 26. Pick up on December 10.
How It Works
Download and print the pamphlet below. Inside this pamphlet is a list of merchants we are co-operating with for fundraising purposes. For every gift card we sell, the merchant will donate a percentage back to our youth group (% beside each company).
For example, if you buy a $50 gift card from Earls, it costs you $50, you receive a $50 card, and we receive 5% back from Earls. There is no additional cost to you. We are not trying to sell anything to you. All we ask is that if you are going to buy something from these merchants anyway, please purchase a gift card from us, so that we can collect a percentage to support our youth ministry.
To submit your orders, or for more details and information, contact the church office.